Loan of a work of art from Cassa di Trento-Credito Cooperativo Italiano to the Museo Diocesano Tridentino

The museum's exhibition section dedicated to the Council of Trent is enriched
On Monday, December 11, 2023, the valuable collaboration begun with Cassa di Trento in 2022 continues with the important concession of a work of art on temporary loan to the Museo Diocesano Tridentino by Cassa di Trento: the work was created by an unknown artist of the Venetian school in the first half of the 17th century and represents an imaginary session of the Council of Trent.

It was purchased by the bank in 2017 with the aim of enriching its artistic heritage and returning to the city a precious historical and artistic testimony to one of the most relevant and qualifying events in its history. A year later, in November 2018, the book Il Concilio ritrovato: un antico dipinto racconta la storia del concilio di Trento, edited by art historian Roberto Pancheri and published by Cassa di Trento, was presented to the public. The richly illustrated volume reconstructs in detail the story of the ancient painting, previously known only through a series of black-and-white photographs kept in the archives of the Diocesan Museum of Trent.

The important work of art will temporarily enrich the Museum's exhibition section dedicated to the Council of Trent by becoming part of the precious iconographic evidence that tells its story.